Wednesday, July 22, 2009

In the Middle of...Turning Back Time

Turning 50 is certainly a milestone, one that most people complain about. The truth of the matter is, 50 doesn't feel that much different to me than 30. I've been wondering then, why do we resent the numbers as they grow? I believe it may be that what we really resent is giving up the things that make our youth so exciting; taking risks, acting crazy, being irresponsible. It is true that as the years, jobs, marriages and children accumulate, we give up the spontaneity that we surrendered ourselves up to in our teens and twenties.

So this past weekend, I gave myself over to that spirit once again. I'll admit I was hesitant and almost talked myself out of it several times, but in the end I took the leap.

Several weeks ago I received a "friend" inquiry on my "Facebook" page (sometimes you need the kids to help keep you young at heart). A high school friend I had not seen or heard from in 32 years had come across my name. I was put on an e-mail list that included many names that I remembered fondly but had left in the past. This group was organizing a "Class of'77"- 50th birthday party and hoped I would attend.

My first reaction? "I haven't seen these people in over 30 years, I can't imagine I would have anything in common with them. Thanks, but no thanks." However, as I read the responses and thought about past friendships, I reconsidered and tentatively accepted.

The date drew closer, my objections continued to surface; 4 hour drive? camping out? feeling out of place? My internal debate continued up until the day before departure. That was when I agreed to pick up a fellow attendee at the airport in Philly on my way to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I was locked in.

The weekend was amazing, reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones. I'm glad I let a little of that youthful spirit guide me!

The only downside is how much harder the ground seems when you are 50. The next adventure? A few of the AHS girls are hoping to visit me this fall and do a little NY sightseeing, I can't wait! (And we'll all have beds)

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