Tuesday, June 9, 2009

In the Middle of...Questioning the effectiveness

We often complain in our school that the students are the way they are because of the lack of parenting in our district. Many parents seem to be more comfortable assuming the role of friend and equal to their children, allowing the school to take on the task of teaching manners, morals and more. Schools serve to educate beyond the academic and the definition of what they must address is ever changing; this I accept.

Facing the threats of air raids during WWII, teachers instructed students in the art of staying safe (did anyone really believe a wooden desk would stand up under a dropped bomb?) When the dangers of tobacco became evident, smoking and cancer became a part of the health curriculum and the "smoking court" at my high school was officially shut down. Sexually transmitted diseases and Aids led to instruction in safer sex practices (Hmmm...is abstinence the "wooden desk" of our generation?)

So my colleagues and I willingly accept that we may be the only hope many of our students have of learning simple human decency. Saying,"Please, Thank you, excuse me, and I'm sorry" have become part of their formal education because it is not expected or required by those outside our walls.

However, we are increasingly guilty of the very sins we accuse the parents of. Guidelines, rules and repercussions are established and then inconsistently enforced. Students are learning that they are not held accountable for their behavior. Skinner proved long ago that inconsistent reinforcement led to the greatest repetition of a target behavior, why don't we know better. Pick rules that are important and reinforce them consistently.

Take something simple, like gum chewing for instance. We have a rule, I'm not sure I agree with the necessity of said rule, but it is a rule. However, at any given time probably 2/3 of the students can be observed chomping, chewing and blowing bubbles as they walk through the halls. This may not seem important to you, unless you are the one who happens to step in the wad discarded on the floor, but the message is clear; the rules are not important, so why follow them?

A more serious example? One student, who has been in "in school suspension" more than any other 8th grader in recorded history, actually missed his 1st period class for 2 months (yeah, my class!) and has failed every core subject this year, will be joining us on the end of the year picnic and moving on to the high school!! This after he was given several "just 1 more chance" warnings. Again, the message is the same, follow the rules if you want because no one really cares. Where is the line that can not be crossed? When is one held accountable for the choices they make?

If we are in the business of preparing kids to be responsible, committed and compassionate members of society, I'm worried.


  1. Can you teach my 2 year old manners when we see you next weekend? She says please and thank you, but sometimes plays with her poo.

  2. I think that may actually count as positive social behavior. After all she gave you several peaceful, quiet moments alone with Tilda.
